Regents Daily News: March 28, 2023
Regents Daily News: March 28, 2023
Commencement Speaker 2023
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Richard Halloran, head of school at Providence Classical School in Spring, TX, will be our commencement speaker this year! Richard has been the head of school at PCS for the past six years. He has served the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) on several accreditation visit committees and has recently been appointed to the ACCS Accreditation Commission. He has also been representing ACCS by serving on the Boards of the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC) and the Texas Private School Association (TPSA) for the last five years and has been nominated to be the Vice President of TEPSAC for the coming year (vote to be taken in April). Richard is also familiar with Independent School Management (ISM) best practices and has participated in an ISM cohort with other Heads of Schools for the past three years. Richard graduated with bachelor’s degrees from the Washington Bible College and Towson State University; with a Masters in Theology, specializing in Academic Ministries, from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS); and is currently completing his dissertation in the Old Testament PhD program at DTS. In addition to teaching various classes to students at the Upper School level, he has also served as an adjunct professor at Washington Bible College and Dallas Theological Seminary. He has published in the Lexham Bible Dictionary and in Classis. Prior to moving to TX, Richard served as the head of school at two different schools and as an associate pastor. Richard and his wife, Mikki, have three children who have graduated from Providence Classical School: Christopher, Isabella, and Thèoden.