We envision that a graduate of the academic program at Regents Academy will embody the following traits:
We envision that a graduate of the academic program at Regents Academy will embody the following traits:
Virtue and mature character
This includes heart-obedience rather than mere rule-following, good manners, honorable relationships, self-control, and Christian leadership. If nothing else, students should live in accordance with Coram Deo—living as though they were in the presence of God at all times.
Service to others
We expect our graduates to “Love their neighbor” by serving others in their community. Graduates need to develop an awareness of the many types of needs that others around them have and learn to be like Christ in their willingness to minister to others.
Well-rounded competence
Sound reason and sound faith
We expect students to realize a unified Christian worldview with Scripture as the measure of all Truth. We expect them to exhibit the wisdom to recognize complex issues and to follow the consequences of ideas.
A masterful command of language
Because language enables us to know things that are not directly experienced, nothing is more important within Christian education. Without a strong command of language, even Scripture is rendered mute. As people of “the Word,” Christians should be masters of language. Students master vocabulary, grammar, usage, and translation through our study of Latin, English, and Spanish.
Literacy with broad exposure to books
Educated people are well-read and able to discuss and relate to central works of literature, science, art, architecture, and music.