By God’s grace, Regents Academy has accomplished much in its short lifespan.
A caring, committed faculty and administration serve 176 students in grades KPrep-12th, building up families and serving parents in their primary role as those responsible for the education of their children.
Just a few of the school’s significant accomplishments include:
Academic Success
The faculty and curriculum of Regents Academy prepare students both academically and spiritually. Students who have left the halls of Regents Academy have won academic scholarships and gone on to academic success at colleges and universities such as West Point, Baylor, Texas A&M, Belhaven, Stephen F. Austin State, and Washington and Lee. Regents’ students consistently win academic and essay competitions sponsored by such groups as the Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of the Confederacy, Colonial Dames, Texas Farm Bureau, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Regents’ students have won acclaim from the College Board’s National Merit Scholarship program, Duke University’s Talent Identification Program, the National Latin Exam, and the Classical Learning Test. Regents’ students have won the Scripps Region 7 Spelling Bee’s team and individual competitions several times in recent years. Additionally, Regents Academy is fully accredited by the Association of Classical Christian School (ACCS) and a member of TPSA (Texas Private School Association), SCL (Society of Classical Learning), ADF Ministry Alliance, and TAPPS (Texas Association of Private & Parochial Schools).
Academic Success
The faculty and curriculum of Regents Academy prepare students both academically and spiritually. Students who have left the halls of Regents Academy have won academic scholarships and gone on to academic success at colleges and universities such as West Point, Baylor, Texas A&M, Belhaven, Stephen F. Austin State, and Washington and Lee.
Regents’ students have won acclaim from the College Board’s National Merit Scholarship program, Duke University’s Talent Identification Program, the National Latin Exam, and the Classical Learning Test. Regents’ students have won the Scripps Region 7 Spelling Bee’s team and individual competitions several times in recent years. Additionally, Regents Academy is fully accredited by the Association of Classical Christian School (ACCS) and a member of TPSA (Texas Private School Association), SCL (Society of Classical Learning), ADF Ministry Alliance, and TAPPS (Texas Association of Private & Parochial Schools).
Extra-Curricular Achievements
Regents Academy has developed an extracurricular program that accents the school’s academic training with a number of enriching individual and group activities. Junior high sports include co-ed soccer, boys and girls basketball, co-ed track and field, and co-ed cross country, and are facilitated through participation in the Christian School Athletic Conference (CSAC). High school sports include co-ed soccer, boys and girls basketball, co-ed cross country, and co-ed track and field, which are facilitated through participation in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS). Regents students also participate in TAPPS speech and academic, art, and music competitions. Regents students and teams have won awards and acclaim in speech and academic competitions, art competitions, and individual and group instrumental and choral competitions. Regents students have won individual and team state championships in speech and academics and in track and field, and have won high honors (including league championships) in basketball, soccer, and cross country. Our high school soccer team won the Fall Soccer State Championship in 2018, a very proud moment for our athletic program and for our school as a whole. Regents’ students work very hard, compete with honor, and seek excellence in the application of their gifts.
Artistic Acclaim
Regents Academy has achieved excellence in its arts program. The Regents Academy orchestra, choirs, and drama programs provide students with the opportunity to train under outstanding and talented instructors. Each group has demonstrated sustained excellence. In addition, Regents’ students have won acclaim by being selected for All Region and All State Orchestras. All students take art and music classes each week that cultivate their appreciation for what is true and beautiful.
Service to the School and Community
Regents’ students are cultivated to be servants because only by serving can one become a leader and attain true greatness. Begun in 2010, the BIG Serve combines service to the school and to the community in a one-day school wide service project. BIG stands for “Blessed In Giving,” and students truly learn that there is a blessing in giving. Students serve the school by seeking donors and sponsors for the service project who donate money to the ongoing needs of the school, and students then serve the community through local ministries and agencies such as Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful, the Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce, Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ), campus student ministries, and the Rotary Club. While students rake, pick up trash, paint, and plant, they learn that serving is giving, and it is truly more blessed to give than to receive.
A Loving School Family
Perhaps Regents Academy’s greatest accomplishment is our familial culture. Visitors often remark about how close and loving Regents’ students and teachers are. Older students hug, mentor, and play with younger students, while younger students look up to older students as adopted big brothers and sisters. Teachers and administrators show the love of Christ every day as they lead students to live out the riches of the classical Christian heritage.
SAT Averages:
Total | ERW | Math | |
2022 | 1167 | 582 | 585 |
2021 | 1240 | 590 | 650 |
2020 | 1250 | 630 | 620 |
2019 | 1205 | 582 | 623 |
CLT Averages:
Total | Reading | Math | Writing | |
2022 | 69.5 | 23.7 | 18.5 | 27.3 |
2021 | 79 | 29 | 23 | 27 |
2020 | 77 | 28 | 21 | 28 |
2019 | 75 | 27 | 21 | 27 |