March 29, 2011
Regents Daily News: March 29, 2011
Managing the City Manager
Last week the kindergarten class went to downtown Nacogdoches to learn some history of our town. They visited the welcome center, and then they went to City Hall. Very exciting stuff! They met City Manager Jim Jeffers and Chief of Police Jim Sevey. They visited the City Council chamber and sat in the big chairs. After their outing, they went to Barnhill’s and enjoyed a delicious lunch.
Their teacher, Mrs. Sharon Freeland, is behind the camera in the pictures below.
The kindergarteners also were given colorful Nacogdoches pins that they fixed to their shirts. The day after their trip one kindergartener, Jack Mounger, was still wearing his. He came to me and said, “I’m the boss of you.” I tilted my head and asked why that was. He pointed to his pin and said, “Because I’m the mayor!”