November 6, 2019

Regents Daily News:
November 6, 2019

TMEA All-Region Orchestra

TMEA (Texas Music Educator’s Association) All-Region Orchestra is an event that takes place every year across the state of Texas.  Our region, Region 4/21, encompasses more than 20 counties and includes the school districts of Tyler and Longview. Each year students learn music and audition in October.   If selected at this audition, students go on to perform in December. The clinic and concert is a two-day event, all day Friday and Saturday, when these students get together for the first time and rehearse the music with an expert, guest conductor.  Then, Saturday evening, the students perform the music for family, friends, teachers, or whoever wants to come.

Regents Academy is proud to announce that all seven of our students who auditioned were selected and will be performing with the All-Region Orchestra on December 7th in Longview!

Pictured above: Mason Baker (10th grade), double bass; Cate Baker (8th grade), viola; Shelby Rotramel (11th grade), violin; Gracie Lyn Harman (6th grade), violin; Haylee Harman (9th grade), violin; Hayley McBroom (11th grade), violin; Ashlynn McBroom (11th grade), violin

We are very proud of our hardworking and talented musicians!

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