August 21, 2012
Regents Daily News: August 21, 2012
Why Are We Here?
Fritz Hinrichs, in his article “Why Classical Education?”, does a great job of simply yet eloquently answering his question.
We live in the continuum of western history. In order to evaluate this stream of which we are part, we must step back from it and discern the ideas that have shaped it. To attempt to ignore the ideas that have shaped our cultural history is to guarantee ourselves not only cultural irrelevance but also entrenchment in the Christian ghetto. This position will not only lead to our own intellectual poverty but will also disgrace the Sovereign God who needs not be mocked by the cowardice of His children. The King’s children do not hide in the alleys but walk confidently knowing that the sun that shines belongs to their Father.
I would submit that this is a powerful answer to the question of why our school exists and why you and I and so many other parents are sacrificing to send their children to schools like Regents Academy. Our children are the King’s children, and we aim for them to walk confidently and purposefully, to His glory.