June 7, 2010
Regents Daily News: June 7, 2010
Parenting 101, part six
Here is yet another parenting 101 suggestion: volunteer at your children’s school.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that your role in your children’s education ends when you drop them off in the morning. Neither does it end when your children leave the grammar school for the logic school. You are responsible for your children’s education, from kindergarten to graduation. Furthermore, God has designed you to make a unique contribution to Regents Academy. One way you can fulfill that responsibility and make your contribution is by being involved in the life of the school, helping it as it serves families and adding your distinctive talents and personality to the school’s ministry. What can you do? Here are a few ideas:
Help prepare and serve hot lunch
Read in your child’s classroom
Serve at a school dinner
Help build the playground (this Saturday June 12th!)
Clean and organize the kitchen
Drive students for a class field trip
Help with next year’s BIG Serve
Talk to Mr. Bryant, Mrs. DeKerlegand, or your child’s teacher, and find a way to contribute your time and talents to the school’s ministry. Regents Academy relies on faithful parents who serve week-in and week-out.
Thank you to all our parents who serve so diligently.