May 5, 2010
Regents Daily News: May 5, 2010
Teachers Appreciate
The door remains open in my classroom almost always. This late morning we hear maraccas, the rattling of foil and smell cumin and garlic. This week at Regents Academy is Teacher Appreciation Week. A good teacher doesn’t need much to feel appreciated, but a good teacher wants to feel appreciated. If we weren’t appreciated then we could be replaced, and I know that I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t teach for it satisfies a deep need in my soul.
Yesterday morning we were greeted by doughnuts, cinnamon rolls and a selection of coffee. Today we had plans for a duty-free lunch provided by a local restaurant. I was surprised when I walked into the kitchen this morning and it was filled to over flowing with breakfast goodies! Hey, wait a minute! This wasn’t on the email! I told one dedicated mom that I appreciated all her help. She sweetly replied that we deserved all this and much more. I am fortunate to teach at a school with such awesome parents!
The teachers at Regents appreciate our wonderful parents that support us in the daily task of teaching God’s shortest people! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (I’ll try not to think of the extra few pounds this week is going to leave me with!) :>