May 16, 2016
Regents Daily News: May 16, 2016
2016 TAPPS Awards
The Regents Academy high school TAPPS (Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools) team has completed this year with a number of awards. Several students earned music awards, including seven students who earned Superior ratings for their instrumental solos (Jake Hill-violin; Anne Elisabeth Alders-flute; Sarah Grace Alders-piano; Kyla Alders-violin; Emma Terrell-piano; Grace DeKerlegand-violin; Kaden Harman-piano), and the Regents Academy girls ensemble earned a Superior rating for their Sacred Ensemble performance at the State contest in Killeen. Ensemble members include Elise Landrum, Annaleigh Andrews, Abby Powers, Grace DeKerlegand, Alex William, Sydney and Lindley Bryant, Emma and Anabelle Terrell, and Kyla, Anne Elisabeth and Sarah Grace Alders. The ensemble is accompanied by Kaden Harman (piano) and Jake Hill (violin).
Additionally, many team members placed in their individual events at the State speech & academic and art championships held in Waco. Academic/Speech/Art winners include: Sarah Grace Alders (3rd-Spelling, 4th-Seek & Sketch-color, 5th-Math, 6th-Number Sense, 7th-Literary Criticism); Kyla Alders (2nd-Original Oratory, Literary Criticism, 7th-Duet Acting with Avery Gound; 8th-Advanced Math); Caleb Henry (4th-Original Oratory, Advanced Math); Wesley Young (2nd-Calculator, 5th-Ready Writing, 6th-Current Events &Issues); Luke Riley (4th-B&W drawing); Alex Williams (5th-B&W photo, 6th-B&W photo; HM-On-site drawing); Aaron Bertke (6th-Calculator); Taylor Favro (7th-Seek & Sketch-color); Avery Gound (7th-Duet Acting with Kyla).
Pictured from left (front) are Elise Landrum, Anabelle Terrell, Alex Williams, Sarah Grace Alders, Grace DeKerlegand, Jess Hill, Isaiah Bertke, Kaden Harman, Avery Griner, Sydney Bryant, Abby Powers. Back row (from left) Caleb Henry, Wesley Young, Aaron Bertke, Jake Hill, Anne Elisabeth Alders, Emma Terrell, Kyla Alders, Lindley Bryant, Avery Gound, Will Hill, Luke Riley. (Not pictured Taylor Favro)