March 8, 2010
Regents Daily News: March 8, 2010
Elementary Education in a Private Christian Nacogdoches School
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
Psalms 127:4
Here is my job description, simply stated. Living in a small town of East Texas, driving used vehicles, teaching in an old day-care building, rubbing shoulders daily with people who bet that “ain’t ” is in the dictionary, this seems to be a high calling for someone like me. God is in the business of issuing high callings, or tall orders to seemingly small and insignificant people. Just thinking of Mary’s birth story or David’s size when taking on Goliath or Abraham’s trek in the wilderness and one realizes God expects great things out of his rather small people. Here we are in a rural Southern town and God has asked or rather required me to prepare His arrows, sharpen their points and ensure that they will fly straight when released into flight. This is God’s story and I’m simply a small character trying my best to play my part to the glory of God. Some days will be foggy, a few will be rainy, but most days will be sunny with a sure chance of God’s goodness.